Alison RyanComment

35 Ideas for Monthly Goals and 30-Day Challenges

Alison RyanComment
35 Ideas for Monthly Goals and 30-Day Challenges
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.
— Andrew Carnegie
Dress: Can be found here as well as here (on sale!). I am wearing a size small. Comes in a few colors. Booties: Can be found here. I am wearing a size 8.5. If you are in between sizes go with the smaller, because you need to wear no-show socks with …

Dress: Can be found here as well as here (on sale!). I am wearing a size small. Comes in a few colors.
Booties: Can be found here. I am wearing a size 8.5. If you are in between sizes go with the smaller, because you need to wear no-show socks with them. There’s also these ones that look very similar (and are on sale).

Monthly Goals and 30-Day Challenges:

  1. Physical Activity
    Walk, yoga, planks, short workouts at home, workout classes, etc.

  2. Positive Mantra
    Repeat it every morning and/or night. Come up with a reminder trigger. Examples: every time you walk through a door way, every time you look in a mirror, every time you open the fridge, when you put your feet on the floor first thing in the morning, etc.

  3. Drink More Water

  4. Make Bed Every Morning

  5. Grateful List
    There are no rules, just be realistic and don’t over stress about it. The goal is just to write things down, so do that. Even if its only one thing a day.

  6. Grateful Journal
    I felt like this needed to be separate than the one above only because this one is a little more in depth, in my opinion. It is more about recording and reflecting rather than just writing things down. 3 seems to be the magic number - pick 3 things and write about it. The more specific the better. Every morning take a few minutes for this.

  7. New Skill

  8. Weekly Life Review
    There are different ways you can go about this but I’m going to share just one with you. Doing a weekly life review is a way to direct your life with intention, to keep your eye on what matter. You dedicate time at the end of the week (Sunday) to reflect on it and score yourself. How did it go? What went well and what didn’t? How was your performance? You break your life into important categories so to speak. Relationships, Career, Health, Mental Health, Mission, etc. and you rate yourself 1-10 on how you did on all of those categories, and ask yourself, what do I need to do next week to do better? What do I need to do in order to become a 10 in that area? You also write out/journal your Best 3 for the week. What were your top 3 moments? What struggles did you have for the week as well as what advice you would have given yourself (if you were a friend, peer, coach, etc) in that moment of struggle. And Lastly, 5 Decisions. What 5 decisions do you need to make right now to make the coming week is even better.

  9. “You” Time

  10. No Spending

  11. Podcasts

  12. Less TV/No TV

  13. Declutter

  14. Utilize The Envelope System
    You can read all about it here

  15. No Sugar

  16. Whole30

  17. Journal

  18. Guided Meditation
    Apps: 10% Happier (free), Calm (free), Ensō (free), Insight Timer (free), Headspace (costs), YogaGlo (costs).

  19. Morning Routine

  20. Night Routine

  21. Read

  22. Compliment Someone

  23. Stretch For 10 Minutes Every Day

  24. New Hobby

  25. Pick Something You’re Bad At And Work On It
    As simple as deleting emails (guilty), cooking, it could be something that is currently in your life or something that you’ve been wanting to try… let you imagine go!

  26. Eat More Greens/Cruciferous Vegetables

  27. Drink More Water

  28. Go To Bed At A Reasonable Time

  29. Get Up 30 Minutes Earlier

  30. Get Up When Alarm Goes Off

  31. Explore New Places
    Time to cross some places off of your list! Or if you do not usually try new places and like to frequent the same ones, this is a fun one to get you out of your comfort zone (and surprise people! haha)

  32. Learn Something New

  33. Volunteer

  34. Eat In/No Eating Out

  35. No Coffee (or alcohol, or whatever!)

It was hard to keep the list to only 35, the options are basically endless!
What are a few that jumped out to you? What are some that you are going to be implementing this year?

I also wrote a blog post of doing Monthly Themes based off of each month’s birth flower and the meaning/word behind each one. You can read it here if you missed it. Here are a few other Monthly Theme ideas:

  • Love

  • Optimism

  • Calm

  • Cleanse

  • Mental Health

  • Wonderful

  • Remember The Reason

  • Positivity

  • Truly Present

  • Meaningful

  • Communication

  • Possibilites

  • Awaken
